5 Things You Should Know About Buying Foreclosures in Lorain

Are you in the market to buy low priced distressed properties? There are some things you should know about buying foreclosures in Lorain. Kinds of Foreclosures First of all, it is important to understand that foreclosure is a process. The first step is called pre-foreclosure. This means that the property is in default and the … Continued

5 Ways To Quickly Get A Down Payment for Lorain Real Estate

Looking to purchase a house right now? Here are some ways to quickly get a down payment for Lorain real estate.  Low Down Payment Mortgages There are a few programs to help first time home buyers that require very little down payment in regards to the total purchase price. This option will get you to … Continued

5 Things You Can Do To Sell Your Attached House In Lorain

An attached house in Lorain is a dwelling that shares a common wall or walls with another dwelling. These are most commonly duplexes and townhouses, but can also be other multi-family dwellings with a higher number of units. If you’re ready to sell, here are five things you can do to sell your attached house … Continued

5 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Lorain

If foreclosure is looming over you like a black cloud on a sunny day, don’t ignore the rain. Open the letters your lender is sending you and see where you are at in the process. Make sure you find your mortgage documents and read them thoroughly to know what to expect when you don’t make … Continued

5 Tips For Selling Your Unwanted Multi-Family Property In Lorain

Thinking about selling your multi-family property? You might want to prepare your property for sale for a better chance at a quick sale at a higher price. There are five tips for selling your unwanted multi-family property in Lorain: update the parking area, add more curb appeal, update the common areas, keep the doors and … Continued

What Happens To Your Lorain Property After A Divorce?

Divorces are difficult. About forty to fifty percent of marriages ended in divorce last year, and the rate is even higher for subsequent marriages. If you are going through a divorce right now, you are probably wondering what happens to your Lorain property after the divorce. Who Keeps The Property? This is something you and … Continued

6 Reasons To Avoid The MLS When Selling Your Lorain House

If you own real estate, you have probably heard of the MLS. It is a members-only website that is joined by real estate agents in the area. They have a local level, a state level, and a national level. Joining this association designates the agent as a Realtor. They must pay to access this service. … Continued

5 Steps To Buying Commercial Property Investments In Lorain

Considering buying commercial property in Lorain? Here are the basic steps: Step 1. Why Commercial Property Before buying commercial properties in Lorain, Ohio, ask yourself: what is my goal with the property? Will I be renovating and reselling the property? Will I hold the property long term and collect commercial rental income? These answers will … Continued
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